Thank goodness for family! I have the best one around!
Aunt Lindsay came to take care of us at the beginning of the week. We were so happy to see her! She is such great company and we love her so much! Thank you Keith and Thank you Hannah for sharing your Mommy with us! We are hoping Keith and Hannah can join her next visit to Idaho.
Ian, Tatem, Me, Aunt Marci, JayJay (Grandma Anderson), Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Adam
Uncle Adam was driving through Twin and decided to stop and introduce himself to Tatem. She is so lucky to have family so close by! The best thing ever is that Aunt Marci lives only 10 minutes away. Marci has been my salvation! She is an amazing sister to me, and a wonderful Aunt to baby Tatem. Seriously, we are so lucky to have her close!
Then Aunt Sage and her ADORABLE baby Maya (and the rest of the family) made a trip to Twin Falls to see baby Tatem. We loved having their family visit and hope they come back soon.
And THANKFULLY, my sweet MOM was able to some and spend time with us over the weekend. Tatem loves her Grandma JayJay, and is anxious to meet her Grandpa Anderson. Thanks for all your help, Mom!
(See Brittni, people really do visit Idaho!)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tatem is loved!
Posted by Natalie Service at 2:23 PM 8 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Tatem misses her Uncle Miles already!!
Uncle Miles flew out from Columbus, Ohio Wednesday night, to be with Natalie and to share in Tatem's arrival.
Miles was there at every possible moment for Natalie, Ian, and especially his newest niece Tatem. He probably slept less than daddy over the last couple days.
THANK YOU UNCLE MILES FOR BEING HERE - FOR ALL OF US! We miss you already (he flew out this morning at about 6 am). Come back soon.Baby feet prints!
Tender angel kisses!
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:00 AM 10 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Day 1 - Tatem has had multiple visitors - She is so popular!
Uncle Bill Southwick
Cousin Karl Southwick
Aunt Marci Southwick
Tracy Savage
Alicia Larsen
Uncle Miles
Aunt Wendi
Aunt Angie
. . . and finally - her Second Cousins (from Ian's mom side of the family) the DC twins.
Posted by Natalie Service at 1:52 PM 7 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Daddy doting on his daughter!
Her first sneeze was at 5:11 p.m. Her first hiccups 5:53 p.m. Her first baby-bath 5:30 p.m.
First "movement" 3:30 p.m. - Second evacuation - 5:32 p.m. (Note bath time above).
Posted by Natalie Service at 6:17 PM 15 comments
5 Pounds 12 Ounces - Born at 1:56 p.m. - 19 inches long - 10th April 2008
Daddy's first kiss . . .Snuggling with Mommy . . .
Meeting Uncle Miles.
The Ian N. Service family - Ian, Natalie, and introducing Tatem Jane!!
Posted by Natalie Service at 4:22 PM 31 comments
Going to C Section now!!!
I will update asap. . . Natalie and Tatem are FINE, but Tatem didn't like the contractions
Posted by Natalie Service at 1:37 PM 5 comments
Epidural Success!
11:oo a.m.
Natalie is now about 5 cm. The Epidural was a success. Natalie went from shaking with pain to a short nap - Perfect timing by the doctors!
The Dr put the epidural in shortly after she was around 2 cm. Within a few hours the nurses had to slow the PIT down because she is cruising along - too fast!!
The nurses placed a scalp-bleed device on Tatem's little head to better monitor her heart-rate. She has been reacting to the contractions a bit too much.
Tatem is not "impressing" the nurses too much with her little heart rate - we hope having the PIT slowed down some she will be more comfortable.
Miles is feeding Natalie ice-chips, what a brother!
Posted by Natalie Service at 10:55 AM 9 comments
Birth update
Natalie's water broke at 7:45 am. She is 100% e-faced and at a 2cm.
Got to run . . . she needs me! ;o)
Posted by Natalie Service at 8:10 AM 6 comments
We have checked-in !! HERE WE GO
We did a last photo-op the night before - here is a sample.
Room and gown . . .
Great fit . . .This IV hurts . . .
This morning at about 6am the nurse started Natalie on a "PIT" drip. Natalie started REAL contractions a few hours before - on her own - before the PIT drip.
I got to go for now - she needs me. The next post will probably be with our baby girl!!
Posted by Natalie Service at 6:22 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
TODAY IS THE DAY! Place your bets . . .
It's official!!
Today we are checking into the hospital at 4:35 p.m. to start the induction process.
We expect our baby girl to arrive sometime tomorrow - April 10th (give or take a day).
Place your bets in the comment section for the following:
1. Weight - Pounds and ounces
2. Length - inches
3. And which of us she will look most like - Mommy or Daddy?
Polls close the moment of birth.
Below are some "genealogical" pictures to help you decide on question #3.
Her Mommy . . .
her Daddy . . .
What a beautiful couple!
P.S. Ian's bar results are due tomorrow at 9 am as well. It's a big week for the Services.
Posted by Natalie Service at 11:36 AM 18 comments
Monday, April 07, 2008
As a card holder, he is welcome to use the computers for ONE HOUR. Let's hope Poco can manage his time and avoid a probation status to his new library card!!

Let's be honest, I love a photo shoot oppor...I loves a good photo shoot opportunity so here ya go - more of Poco, proud library card holder!

We went to Chubbuck/Pocatello Idaho last weekend for my nephews baptism. We were also able to stop and see Lance, Bettie, and Calista. Ian has said from the beginning that Calista is a prime example of why he wants a baby girl! Not only is she wrapped around Lances' fingers, she's got Ian's as well!

I have to give a shout out to those with talents!

left: Ian's Aunt Judy quilted this amazing ballerina quilt. What a wonderful surprise to receive such a beautiful gift from her. She's got mad quilting skills!
middle: We all know one of Ian's passions is Soccer. Ian's observant co-worker, Wendi, was kind enough to have this adorable pink soccer quilt made (by her mother) for our little athlete to be.
right: Amy Christiansen sent us these two receiving blankets with hand-made lace around the edges. Now, I'm not sure that Amy did this herself, but it's what I want to believe so just let me believe it. What a talent!! They are beautiful - and what makes them even more special is that the women in Ian's mission (Micronesian Islands) made him some handkerchiefs with the same kind of lace edging.
We absolutely love these blankies and appreciate the love that has gone into them!
Posted by Natalie Service at 5:12 PM 5 comments
Things I Didn't Expect To Expect While I Was Expecting:
Or in other words, stuff that surprised me!
1. I didn't get morning sickness. I know - LUCKY!
2. I love my maternity clothes!
3. I giggle when my baby kicks and moves.
4. I didn't know constipation could be a 9 month ordeal!
5. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant - even now at 40 weeks.
6. I thought I could refrain from walking like I was pregnant - no such luck - I'm a waddler!
7. 20 tums a day does not take care of my heartburn.
8. Ian gives good foot rubs.
9. Maybe I get those foot rubs because I craved STEAK and that is his way of saying Thank You for the 5 nights a week at a great steak house!
10. That the day I'd actually have to give birth would really come.
Posted by Natalie Service at 2:04 PM 4 comments
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Posted by Natalie Service at 12:53 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Bragging about my Family!
My brother MILES works for Crate and Barrel. For two years in a row, he has been the MILLION DOLLAR TOP SELLER of the entire store. Last year he was the only one. This year, he shared the title with two other people. I guess the early morning of each and every summer out in the beet fields really did teach you something about hard work!
My brother ADAM works for the Chubbuck Idaho Police Department. He has worked his way up from 911 dispatch to SWAT Team to Detective. The Idaho State Journal wrote a very nice article about him in the "Neighborhood Hero's" section of the paper. Nice work! I'm trying to post a link to the article but apparently the City of Pocatello and their Newspaper have put a viewing tax on the Idaho State Journal link. You can't read the paper online unless you pay for it.
My sister MARCI is my local neighborhood hero! Not only is she remodeling her own home and tending to the comings and goings of her 4 active kids, she made time for me. She has helped me make my nursery curtains. Seriously, if it were not for her, I'd still have material all folded up shoved in a closet somewhere. Instead, I have nursery curtains - cute - and complete! Now I just gotta get going on the bumper and crib skirt. Seriously, did I really think I could sew? Thank goodness for Marci!
Posted by Natalie Service at 7:33 PM 3 comments
Getting Ready
We painted the babies room (without asking the Landlord...oops) and just for the record - Ian is by far the worst painter ever. I can say it publicly because he knows it and will admit to it. "Social Butterfly" looks great for a babies room. It's a very very light yellow.
Posted by Natalie Service at 11:42 AM 10 comments