I went to Boise with my sister MARCI to pick up our baby furniture. Space wise, she asked if we should take the truck or the mini van. I suggested the mini van. If only I would have had the camera with me! The crib and dresser barely fit, but we managed! We probably should have taken the truck!
Ian anxiously put it together. We really like it!
Well, now! There's a good reason why it barely fit in the back of a mini van! They included boxes that have NOTHING INSIDE! Funny!

We painted the babies room (without asking the Landlord...oops) and just for the record - Ian is by far the worst painter ever. I can say it publicly because he knows it and will admit to it. "Social Butterfly" looks great for a babies room. It's a very very light yellow.
Notice the huge paint mark on my huge hip from my huge rear hitting the wall!
Now all we need is a baby!
We painted the babies room (without asking the Landlord...oops) and just for the record - Ian is by far the worst painter ever. I can say it publicly because he knows it and will admit to it. "Social Butterfly" looks great for a babies room. It's a very very light yellow.
I saw the Doctor this morning (actually, he saw me) and it has been determined we can wait another week with no increased chances of risk to the baby. Baby Girl Service seems to be getting enough oxygen and has a great heart rate when she moves, thus qualifying her for a few extra nights in her watery resort.
I don't mind! I like her where she is!
She's...quiet. Inexpensive. Handsfree.
Is Ian really that bad at painting or is he just pretending to get out of doing it? Sounds like a sneaky lawyer's trick to me.
Ask me how I know.
Aunt Judy
You are looking fantastic! I'm glad things are good with the pregnancy. Phew!
I really like the color of the baby's furniture, very cool stuff!
YEAH nesting! That was the most fun about being pregnant! nesting in the nursery before! :) you look great! all Tummy!
Very cute furniture and so much fun putting it all together, can't wait to see the finished product, room and baby. I am so impressed with your painting, nice work and you do look great.
Very cute EVERYTHING! Enjoy your last few days "cry" free! :) Eat your favorite foods, the ones you KNOW you shouldn't have because they have too much fat and calories and carbs and you name it.... Have fun!
Look at you!!! You are soooo dang cute! It was great talking to you today..I MISS MY NA-KOO-KIE!!! Babies rooms are so fun to create and you are doing a fantastic job. Baby Girl Service will love it!!!
Please, please, please keep in touch!
We love you!!!!
Natalie you are ALL baby! You are SO small! You better post lots of pictures, because we are all waiting not so patiently...Can't wait to meet your little girl!
I think you are the only woman I've ever heard say that at nine months she's ok with the baby still being in the womb! I better not be out of town when you have her! You're gonna need to wait until the 12th, okey dokey!
You do realize that if you have her next Thursday (my birthday) you HAVE to name her Jenny right?
I love the black! I wanted to go black but Preston was a little afraid. We compromised with lots of black in the fabric. I am so excited for you to have your baby! You are going to do awesome during your labor and delivery and then most importantly you are going to be an amazing mom! By the way...a pregnant woman is not considered over due until AFTER her 42nd week. That baby is on time because the baby gets to decide when she comes. I just learned that today because I am going through training to be a child birth educator and hypnobirth practitioner. Call if you want to talk about ANYTHING! It has been way too long!
Love Ya!
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