Thursday, August 28, 2008
Posted by Natalie Service at 8:09 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:53 AM 2 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
To answer your questions -
Posted by Natalie Service at 11:19 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Her Majesty, Princess Tatem Jane

Posted by Natalie Service at 9:58 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We had a blast visiting Miles and Tom in Ohio. Tom was great at making Tatem smile, but we had to say goodbye to Tom and get on the road to Indiana.
Miles, Tatem, and I drove to Indiana to visit Keith, Lindsay, and Hannah. In true Anderson Style, it was my job as co-pilot to sleep the whole way. Oddly enough, I was able to stay awake with great conversation and boisterous laughter with Miles. Tatem thankfully was the one who slept the whole way.
Arriving in IN, we were lucky enough to see Karen, Julie, and sweet Isabella for a day before they returned to AZ.
That lil' "Izzy K" is so adorable! Check out those amazing blue eyes!
We've been enjoying good weather, picnics, and feeding the ducks.
Lindsay and Keith had to speak in church on Sunday. Lindsay asked me and Miles for suggestions on her talk. Miles suggested talking in a loud British accent the whole time. I suggested she step up to the mic and promptly make farting noises in her arm pit to get the congregations attention. Then she told us her topic was REVERENCE thus rendering our suggestions useless! The both did a GREAT job on Sunday!
Miles had to go back home on Monday so Monday morning we tried to fit in as much fun and running around as we possibly could before he had to go. Tatem and Hannah showed Miles first hand that their schedules rule the world, and all other adults intentions/plans are pushed aside. By noon we were still trying to fit in "brushing our teeth" and for some of us, it still never happened.
We miss you already Miles! Thanks for being such a wonderful brother and uncle!
Posted by Natalie Service at 2:32 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Lil' T and I are in Columbus Ohio visiting Uncle Miles and Uncle Tom. Miles called us from work this morning to see how we were doing - and from the time I ran to get the phone to the time I returned to the chair, Tatem had rolled from her back to her tummy and, of course, I MISSED IT. She's a little stinker!
Posted by Natalie Service at 10:33 AM 12 comments
Friday, August 08, 2008
4th of July (the sequal)
4th of July continued:
The whole weekend was a whole bunch of fun with family and friends. Ian had to drive back to Twin Falls by himself to get back to work, but Tatem and I stayed for another week. For the next week, we stayed with Rachelle and Bob, and their beautiful kids, Brayden, Zach, and Ashlyn. Tatem was very popular at their house.
It was fun to see the kids (and Rachelle) fight over who was going to hold/feed Tatem each time. We spent some time at the pool, got ice cream, went on a few walks, and had a major relaxing week. I LOVED IT!
I also had the chance to meet up with some of my friends while on this little vacation. My friend JAMIE from our Flagstaff AZ days, who now lives in Tacoma WA was able to come to Vancouver and play with us. Jamie has two of the cutest girls ever, Hallie and Braidee.
It was great seeing her again after about 5 years!
I also got to have lunch with my PAMMY WHAMMY who I used to work with in Portland Oregon 10 years ago! Pam also has two amazing kids but unfortunately, time didn't allow me to see them. They are teenagers now- Pam showed me pictures and WOW!!! They grew up! They are beautiful! Pam is such a great mom, and one of my very best friends!
After lunch, Pam took me back to where we used to work and I got to see some of my long lost friends. If you've ever seen the "OFFICE" on Thursday nights, then you would have an appreciation for where I used to work and all my friends there! I got to see BECKY and her husband JAY. I worked with Becky BEFORE my mission (13 years ago!) That was so much fun! I just love Becky so much! I was sad "mean Jeff" was not there but thankfully, NICE JEFF was! Jeff is a relentless tormentor - and I love it! I probably stayed too long, but I loved my visit and loved seeing EVERYONE again. I forgot to take my camera in with me and now I'm sad I don't have any pictures of my visit with my friends.
Our 4th was GREAT! And now Tatem and I are on our way to visit UNCLE MILES and UNCLE TOM in OHIO! Then we will head to INDIANA to play with HANNAH, LINDSAY and KEITH. We are getting pretty good at this traveling thing.
Posted by Natalie Service at 8:23 AM 3 comments
Monday, August 04, 2008
Let me take you back to August 4th 1993
15 years ago today, Ian entered the MTC in preparation to serve his mission in the tiniest corner of the world, the Micronesian Islands. I wish I had a scanner so I could post some early missionary pictures of Ian. They are great for anyone who needs a laugh. It's believed Ian hit puberty while on his mission. He left a little boy who never shaved a day in his life, and returned 2 years later with a 5 o'clock shadow by noon. He served on many islands and speaks Chuuckees, an Islander language only about 45,000 people in the world speak, 99% of which still live on the island. Now, 15 years later, today, living in obscure Idaho, working for the County Public Defenders Office, Ian is doing his best to recall the Chuuckees language because he has a couple "clients" from the Chuuk Lagoon in the Micronesian Islands. WHAT ARE THE ODDS???
Happy 15 years Ian!
P.S. by Ian: Here sweetie, I can help you with some photos . . .
Posted by Natalie Service at 2:24 PM 5 comments
Sunday, August 03, 2008
before the 4th of August gets here.
For the 4th, we took a family vacation to Vancouver Washington to see our family and friends. We especially wanted our little Tatem Jane to meet her Great Grandmother Louise McAllister, (whose mothers name is Jane) and get a 4 generation picture. Success!
Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Friends, and dogs all got reacquainted with each other.
"Am I the BLUE car of the RED car?"
No one could stop laughing!!
The 4th of July was a BLAST!!! Literally!
Thanks to Bob, we got to witness the best fireworks show this side of the Mississippi!
The next day was filled with even more family events. My cousin Nathan was able to baptize his eight year old son, Tyler. Nate and Mere hosted a huge family party at their house afterwards. The "big boys" went golfing and left the rest of us to be creative. Thus, a not-so-friendly game of touch football ensued. (We've got some very competitive players in this family - and they are all under the age of 9.)
Team 2: (not pictured, all members) Zach, Brayden, Teener, Natalie
We didn't want the "grownups" to be left out of any fun so inside the house, Rachelle and I made them play a game of "Telephone" . Rachelle started it. And from the looks of it they certainly must be relaying a very misinterpreted message.
Posted by Natalie Service at 1:16 PM 5 comments