I have got to post about the 4th of July
before the 4th of August gets here.
For the 4th, we took a family vacation to Vancouver Washington to see our family and friends. We especially wanted our little Tatem Jane to meet her Great Grandmother Louise McAllister, (whose mothers name is Jane) and get a 4 generation picture. Success!
Thanks to my cousin Todd, of Julie and Todd, we were able to get the PHENOMENAL above photos, and many more. J and T even put us up for a few nights in their Hilltop Sha-Toe. They have two beautiful baby boys and two huge dogs and have the knowledge and knowhow to make a huge vat of amazing vanilla syrup! Very tasty! We found out how delicious it was at a pancake breakfast at the park where we all enjoyed pancakes and eggs.
Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Friends, and dogs all got reacquainted with each other.

In the evening, my cousin Rachelle put on a great BBQ dinner at her house as we geared up for the fireworks. A friendly game of 500 ensued in the back yard.

And inside, my Dad, and his brother, Ned, played a few rounds of Mario Kart on the Wii.
They were totally getting into it! Swerving! Vering! Speeding! Wrecking! We were all cheering them on! Then, after a few rounds, one of them finally asked,
"Am I the BLUE car of the RED car?"
No one could stop laughing!!
The 4th of July was a BLAST!!! Literally!
Thanks to Bob, we got to witness the best fireworks show this side of the Mississippi!
Bob and his crew put on a great show of flames, fire, and fun! Bob brought Shock and Awe to all of us...and to all the neighbors! We all got an educaiton on what ill-eagle fireworks really are!
The next day was filled with even more family events. My cousin Nathan was able to baptize his eight year old son, Tyler. Nate and Mere hosted a huge family party at their house afterwards. The "big boys" went golfing and left the rest of us to be creative. Thus, a not-so-friendly game of touch football ensued. (We've got some very competitive players in this family - and they are all under the age of 9.)
Team 1: Tyler, Todd, Aunt Liz/Liam, my friend Jamie/Braidee.
Team 2: (not pictured, all members) Zach, Brayden, Teener, Natalie

We didn't want the "grownups" to be left out of any fun so inside the house, Rachelle and I made them play a game of "Telephone" . Rachelle started it. And from the looks of it they certainly must be relaying a very misinterpreted message.
Aunt Sandra and Grandmother

before the 4th of August gets here.
For the 4th, we took a family vacation to Vancouver Washington to see our family and friends. We especially wanted our little Tatem Jane to meet her Great Grandmother Louise McAllister, (whose mothers name is Jane) and get a 4 generation picture. Success!
Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Friends, and dogs all got reacquainted with each other.
"Am I the BLUE car of the RED car?"
No one could stop laughing!!
The 4th of July was a BLAST!!! Literally!
Thanks to Bob, we got to witness the best fireworks show this side of the Mississippi!
The next day was filled with even more family events. My cousin Nathan was able to baptize his eight year old son, Tyler. Nate and Mere hosted a huge family party at their house afterwards. The "big boys" went golfing and left the rest of us to be creative. Thus, a not-so-friendly game of touch football ensued. (We've got some very competitive players in this family - and they are all under the age of 9.)
Team 2: (not pictured, all members) Zach, Brayden, Teener, Natalie
We didn't want the "grownups" to be left out of any fun so inside the house, Rachelle and I made them play a game of "Telephone" . Rachelle started it. And from the looks of it they certainly must be relaying a very misinterpreted message.
I LOVE the 4 generation picture! We did that with me kinz mom and gma cogdill! SO FUN! and what a cute picture with Tatum up front with her beautiful face and you girls in the back! i love it...and how fun was your 4th! LUCKKKYYY! Im jealous, that palce is gorgeous! move to AZ now! :)
So, I kinda wanted this post to keep going. I was feeling like I was there playing mario cart, telephone and then I was suddenly CUT OFF!! I know you did more. I might a couple more pictures to satify, if you please!! I wish we could've been there. I hate missing stuff like that.
I love the 4 generation pictures. SO cute.
ok, so I know I cut my post short because blogger was taking forever to load my pictures. LOTS MORE HAPPENED!!! I think my next post will be a video of pictures to fill you in on the rest of our vacation. Boy did we have a great time!
It sounds like you had a blast!
I miss you, love you, and I'm still not moving to Idaho :)
YEAH! Your pics turned out great. I love the action shot of the boys playing ball. Loved having you guys here. Please come over again!
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