Christmas morning turned into Christmas day which turned into Christmas night - WE HAD AN "ALL DAY" CHRISTMAS and it was so much fun! We opened up a few presents Christmas morning before we found out that Ian had actually gotten on a flight out of Chicago and was going to be in Indiana by noon. After picking up Ian, we opened a few more gifts. We went to the hospital to visit Brynlee and Scary Santa who was there to visit all the NICU brothers and sisters. I think Scary Santa was a patient from the psych ward on the 5th floor of the hospital. Tom kept saying "no wonder Hannah and Tatem were crying! I was scared of him too!" Ian wondered if Scary Santa had just returned from him break where he went out and smoked a PACK!! Now that our children are scared for life, we visited and cuddled with Brynlee real quick. By the time we were able to get back to opening the rest of the presents it was almost 9:30 pm. We finally let Tatem open all the rest of her presents but she was spent - and cranky, so we put her to bed and finished opening her gifts. By the time we were actually done it was 10:30 and it was off to the upstairs to play a bit of RockBand! We already have a request for a Christmas miracle for next year. Could it be that all of us are together on Christmas Eve? NO. Could it be that we have a Christmas with little or no stress? NO. Could it be that RockBand comes out with Christmas Music? YES!!! Now THAT would be such a great Christmas miracle!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A quick wrap up of the holiday
Posted by Natalie Service at 8:57 AM 6 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Posted by Natalie Service at 6:44 PM 6 comments
I'm mad at Santa!
Posted by Natalie Service at 1:33 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Posted by Natalie Service at 10:47 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Double your fun!
Posted by Natalie Service at 2:10 PM 8 comments
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Tatem's got some new tricks up her sleeves!

This video is for my baby's daddy, IAN. He is the only one required to endure the entire 2 minutes of Tatem clapping. Tatems new tricks are clapping and clicking her tongue. She's learning new stuff everyday, like how to take Hannahs toys away from her when she's not paying attention. Ya snooze ya loose. Tatem is all over the place! I could have put this being moble stuff off for another couple months! Still no teeth but drooling like crazy, and everything, EVERYTHING goes in her mouth. And...embarrassing but true...she's a shoe licker! I love her! I love her like crazy!
Posted by Natalie Service at 3:22 PM 11 comments