This video is for my baby's daddy, IAN. He is the only one required to endure the entire 2 minutes of Tatem clapping. Tatems new tricks are clapping and clicking her tongue. She's learning new stuff everyday, like how to take Hannahs toys away from her when she's not paying attention. Ya snooze ya loose. Tatem is all over the place! I could have put this being moble stuff off for another couple months! Still no teeth but drooling like crazy, and everything, EVERYTHING goes in her mouth. And...embarrassing but true...she's a shoe licker! I love her! I love her like crazy!
Soooo cute! I can't wait to see you guys!
Yeah for Tatem! Yeah for Natalie giving us a video! Go team! Miss you guys like crazy.
that's one of the most adorable things I've ever seen!
A shoe licker?? I just KNEW that girl would have a foot fetish!
That is seriously so sweet! What a doll!
She is sooo cute! That smile just makes me want to squeeze her! I love the chasing of the binki. Hilarious. Can you believe how fast she's changing? Wow!
I am obviously not your baby's daddy but the two minuet video was so dang cute. She is a doll
Yeah Tatem!!!!!!!! She is so talented! I know you already know but she is sooooo adorable!!!!
Endure? No way! I have watched over and over and over! MORE please.
Signed Baby's daddy
soudns JUST like kempton... especially the shoe thing... only he doesn't just lick, he chews, chew baby chew!
Oh my goodness, what a cutie! Stopping by through Daily Scoop and I'm glad I did. =)
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