I love hanging out at the hospital with Brynlee. She pretends to be asleep every time I go in to visit, but I always catch her opening her eyes just when I'm about to leave. Brynlee raised her eye brows when I told her she's as beautiful as her mother, and she cringed when I told her to watch out for her dad - his tickles are relentless - just ask her sister Hannah! Brynlee is growing like crazy!
Tonights weigh in has her at 2 lbs 12.9 oz! Way to go Brynlee!

I am having a blast here in Indiana with Keith and Lindsay, and their two little girls. Hannah and I read books all day long, sing songs, learn new animal sounds, and eat a lot. All things I'm used too, expect for that reading part.
She is soooo sweet! I'm so happy that she is growing and doing well!
Hey we are finding people! Hope you are doing well. We'll figure out this blog thing before too long! Hope your little girls is doing good. Keep in touch.
The Arnall's
I love the pics! I'm so glad you are there to help! I'm a little jealous too! Have fun and give everyone my love and kisses!
Um, we are having Tatem withdrawals. More pictures and videos, please!!!!!
Were is Tatem? I agree with Bill and Marci! We all need our Tatem fix. That is so great that you get to be out there with Lindsay and Keith to help out. You are an amazing sister
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