Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Getting the important things done first.

I decided to design and create (sew) Tatem's nursery months before she was born. My intent was to have it freshly finished for the day she came home from the hospital. Well, Tatem is nearly 3 months old and, well, ...at least her curtains are finished! Currently, Tatem sleeps in a pack 'n' play at the foot of our bed. Ian is getting anxious to have her move to her own room. The crib bumper isn't done yet and neither is the crib skirt for that matter. Every day Ian asks if I worked on the bumper. The answer is always, "No, I don't have time. I have a baby to take care of." However, I did miraculously find time to work on more decor for her nursery. Sure it's not the bumper and it certainly wont get her into her own room faster. I found the wooden block letters at Michaels, painted them black, then made my own mixture of Elmer's Glue and water to hodgepodge the paper onto the blocks. I think they turned out pretty cute!

And do you want to hear something really exciting? I found 3 Pottery Barn floating shelves at D.I. for only $3 each. Tatem may never be able to sleep in her room, but it's sure to be the cutest room in the house!

And for even more exciting news, click here!


ba and the boys said...

you rock momma!

Tiffany said...

Those are sooo cute! I LOVE them! I'll have to have you 'xplain them to me...you know I'm pretty challenged when it comes to things like that...I mean MOST things! :) PS Call me BACK!!!

Alyson said...

Those are seriously cute! I am totally going to steal that idea off you!

Jenny said...

Way cute letters! You spelled it right and everything! I would expect nothing less than perfection for my co-birthday girl! and by the way, YIPPEE LINDSAY!!!!!


Those turned out TC!!! Our sister Whitney is a jean-yes. And tell Ian it's not like you can sew when Tater tot is sleeping cause it'll wake her up and stuff. Your loud voice seems to lull her to sleep but the sewing machine is a different story.

Bunch'a'Butt-lers said...

That is the CUTEST letters! i have "Kinz" in block letters sitting in her closet because "MCKENZIE" was way to long, and I have NO clue how to paint them! thanks for the great idea!!!!

Whitney said...

TC Nat! Well done!

Ashlee said...

Oh! So adorable! You wanna make me some too? 9 letters....MACKENZEE. She's going to hate me when she's in kindergarten and has to start writing that a lot. :0)

the Smith's said...

I love the letters! They are perfect! Didn't know you were so crafty! ;)

Janee said...

CUTE! And you're sewing all her bedding?! Go super mom!

Marci said...

Hey, Nat, could you please get that crib bumper done so I can have my sewing machine back before I move? The Tatem letters turned out great! I got to see them in "real life." Natalie really is creative!