brought me home from the hospital. Where my parents planted a garden and raised their kids. Seven kids. The place where my parents disciplined me, taught me, and loved me.
say my prayers, say please and thank you, and how to fart with my armpit. Where I learned to do back flips on the tramp and kart wheels on the lawn. Where I learned to work hard...when Dad was looking. Where I learned you cant stand still for a long time around an ant pile. The place where I was supposed to learn to play the piano but was way too stubborn to practice.
kick the can, Wonder Twins, Freeze Tag. Where I played multiple ZQXF Update News Anchors. Where I played in cardboard boxes for hours! Where I played with blocks and barbies, and rode bikes on the boards in the onion shed.
dig to China, to get away with rolling my eyes at my mother, and tried to make mud pies out of real cow pies. The place where I tried to become an entrepreneur by inventing my own chocolate drink named "fordamill". Where I tried to tell my mom, "please, no! Not another perm!" and she gave me another one anyway.
My last visit to the Little Yellow House with my siblings.
August 2005
August 2005
But that little house has given me many memories.
Memories I'll hold forever.
Actually, those memories will be gone with my encroaching old age and for the fact I'm going senile. It's inherited...but I'm not sure from which side!Memories I'll hold forever.
Gone. Gone. Gone.
**sniff** that was so touching, especially the armpit farts...*sniff*
that's not the same house I stayed at when I went to Weiser, is it?? I don't think it is...
You left out some parts:
That is where you learned to torment and tease your youngest sister relentlessly. Where you learned to jump over ditches...or fall in them. That is where you learned your make-up and hair skills for the Miss Pretty Pagents. This is where you used your sister's boyfriends toothbrush to scrub the toilet. Where you and your brother cut up your mothers "peas and mashed potato dress" that she was sewing for herself.
Those are the only ones I can think of right now. I'm sure I'll come up with some more later!
It's where I first bonded with your brothers and cousin Martin . . . as self appointed exterminators - "Weiser" style.
Adam would scare the pigeons out of the garage with his BB gun so Me, Jeff and Martin could shoot them with the shotguns as they flew away.
It is where cousin Martin, in a hurry to reload his .20 gauge shotgun, tried to load it with his chapstick thinking it was a shotgun shell. LOL
It's always a good time in Weiser!
I love this post. I just wish there were some videos attached.
Bittersweet post...funny though!
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