We sold our couch. I dont' even think we've had it for a full year. It's real cute and all...but...uncomfortable as heck! Seriously, I don't think anyone was ever caught Jana Pecking it! That's how bad it was! I'm happy to see it go. So...ADIODS COUCH!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Moving Sale!!!
Posted by Natalie Service at 1:17 PM 7 comments
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
"Hey Jeanetty, what are you going to do with that gas can and box of matches?" - - Marc
This might not be the same way Extreme Makeover: Home Edition demolishes an old house, but this is the way a few rednecks from Weiser do it! Dump the gas, throw the match, raw hide! Light'em up, burn'em down, raw hide!
Now, lets see what Extreme Makeover: Anderson Edition can do with this plot of land!!!
This episode brought to you by Kings! (Not Sears. Kings!)
Posted by Natalie Service at 5:50 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

brought me home from the hospital. Where my parents planted a garden and raised their kids. Seven kids. The place where my parents disciplined me, taught me, and loved me.
say my prayers, say please and thank you, and how to fart with my armpit. Where I learned to do back flips on the tramp and kart wheels on the lawn. Where I learned to work hard...when Dad was looking. Where I learned you cant stand still for a long time around an ant pile. The place where I was supposed to learn to play the piano but was way too stubborn to practice.
kick the can, Wonder Twins, Freeze Tag. Where I played multiple ZQXF Update News Anchors. Where I played in cardboard boxes for hours! Where I played with blocks and barbies, and rode bikes on the boards in the onion shed.
dig to China, to get away with rolling my eyes at my mother, and tried to make mud pies out of real cow pies. The place where I tried to become an entrepreneur by inventing my own chocolate drink named "fordamill". Where I tried to tell my mom, "please, no! Not another perm!" and she gave me another one anyway.
August 2005
Memories I'll hold forever.
Posted by Natalie Service at 5:56 AM 5 comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Lil' baby Maya Pousson
Posted by Natalie Service at 8:34 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Under a bushel
creativity, style, and talent?!?!
Ok, well, we all know Brittni already had it!
(Obviously, I am very proud of our final product)
Posted by Natalie Service at 2:43 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Well, it's about time!!!
MILES and TOM updated!
Let us all rejoice!!!
Posted by Natalie Service at 3:53 PM 0 comments