Remember that one time I had the calling of Enrichment Leader? And remember how much I totally complained about it. And remember how they fired me about two months into that calling? Well...THANK GOODNESS! Because our new beautiful and talented Enrichment Leader, Jennifer Jackson, put together one of the best Enrichment Nights EVER!!!
Complete with real games and actual Barkers Beauties!
Allyson Misseldine and Jennifer Jackson
Rod Roddy was the gorgeous Erica Hogge.
Complete with real games and actual Barkers Beauties!
Allyson Misseldine and Jennifer Jackson
Rod Roddy was the gorgeous Erica Hogge.
I even had a microphone with a cord, and $500 in my suit coat pocket for the contestant who bid exactly the actual yardsale price!
Bob - "What's our first item up for bid, Rod?"
Rod Roddy - "First item up for bid Bob, is a 12 sting guitar purchased at a yard sale."
Bob Barker - "Lets start the bidding with you."
First contestant - "Twelve Dollars, Bob"
Second contestant - "Fifteen Dollars, Bob"
Third contestant - "What was the first bib, Bob?"
Bob - "$12!"
Third contestant - "I'll say Nine Dollars, Bob!"
Bob - "I'm sorry! You've all OVERBID - please go lower than $9."
"six dollars bob" "three dollars bob" "ONE DOLLAR Bob"
Bob - "And the actual yard sale price of the 12 string guitar is...$7!!
All of our items were purchased at YARD SALES, or were purchased brand new from stores at a DISCOUNTED PRICE. Our commercial breaks were quick tips from selected sisters who spoke on "free activities around town", "home remedies", "internet shopping, like ebay, craigslist, and freecycle" , and "food storage stuff".
Our showcases, which included some great stuff, totaled $19.50, and $12.00 respectively.
EVERYONE SEEMED TO HAVE A GREAT TIME! Thank goodness for Jennifer Jackson and her committee! Thank goodness it is her calling and not mine! THIS ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!!
What a fun idea! I think you make a fantastic BOB! By the way...just incase you didn't know...I miss my Natalie!!! Have you seen the pictures of my little girl lately?? When do you move to Idaho? Hows this for sad...Preston and I are going to Michigan for Thanksgiving. Just in time to miss my favorite friend! Oh Well!
Hey there Bob! You look real good for being 80!
Hey Natalie!! I just happened to get a new calling on Sunday....yep, Enrichment Leader! The Price is Right game sounds soooo fun!! I'm totally going to have to steal it! I hope Jennifer Jackson doesn't mind! I'll probably be asking you tons of questions we decide to do it, so be prepared! Anyway you made the cutest Bob Barker..... :-)
Sarah - so sad for your loss!!
Good luck, though! You will be great! Email me or call me for anything!
Guess what...I have a high school friend named Liz Adams and she is good friends with Whitney your sis in good ol AZ. Its a small world!
oops her name is Liz Roberts. Her husbands name is Adam. Thats what happens when everyone goes off and gets married...I can't keep their names straight!
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