Happy Birthday to my BFF Brittni Jo!
(and I hope no one gets offended about that BFF part. It's her birthday. I gotta make her feel good!)
I absolutly LOVE my Brittni. It's always a party where ever she goes! One thing is for sure - WE ARE THE TWO FUNNIEST PEOPLE AROUND WHEN WE ARE TOGETHER!
Besides being the BEST MOM IN THE WHOLE WORLD, she has many other talents and skills. For example, we have been known to be on the phone with each other AND instant messaging each other at the same time! Sweet Skills I tell you!
I'm very lucky to know her and have her friendship!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:37 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
(Dry! This prime rib is dry, dry, dry! It's so dry I can barely swallow it!)
Mackinac Island Lilac Festival and 10K Run

(notice Ian's number is 223 Jones!)
Mackinaw Island was made popular from the movie
"Somewhere In Time"
starring Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymore.

We biked the Island in the opposite direction that we ran the 10K.

...to be continued.
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:31 PM 13 comments
Friday, June 02, 2006
I can check one thing off my "list of things to do before I'm 32". I ran my first race tonight with Ian and Brett. It was only a 5K around the capital building area in Lansing Michigan. I was glad I participated, but it pales in comparison to the mini tri-athlon Coby and Tiffany (standing to the L and R of me) ran just the week previous in Utah, and the numerous marathons Brett has run! I have to give a huge THANK YOU to Val and the guys, Luke and Isaac, for cheering me on! It's encouraging to know I have a fan club! And that was so nice of Coby, Tiffany, and Corbin to come to see me walk...I mean RUN!
Luke and Isaac also participated in a short race after the 5K was over. All the kids were issued a number. The same number. Number One. And they all were awarded a medal, a poster, and a bag of goodies at the end. The video we captured of the two guys running was hilarious! And, I'm sure the video of me running was just as funny, if not more. WE ARE ALL WINNERS!
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:39 PM 7 comments