Ok, so maybe I walked a 10K, but I still got the free T-shirt!
And come to think of it, that t-shirt was ugly! It was baby poo yellow with a really ugly logo that didn't even make mention of a 10K. Hopefully some lucky shopper at Goodwill will like it!
(Dry! This prime rib is dry, dry, dry! It's so dry I can barely swallow it!)
(Dry! This prime rib is dry, dry, dry! It's so dry I can barely swallow it!)
Mackinac Island Lilac Festival and 10K Run

(notice Ian's number is 223 Jones!)
Mackinaw Island was made popular from the movie
"Somewhere In Time"
starring Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymore.

We biked the Island in the opposite direction that we ran the 10K.

...to be continued.
Ummm, excuse me! Your new blog is great and all, but where are your links? How am I supposed to check in with all the other people that were on the old one? Did they make you erase them because I maybe was commenting on some of them and they really don't know who I am? I don't know how I feel about this. Where's the BFF's blog? Hello?!!
I really like your new template, very clean looking.
Did you get a boob job? :)
Ha HA! I was gonna ask about the boob job too! Or perhaps its the tightness of the shirt. Dang, where's my For the Strength of Youth pamphlet when I need to quote from it....
I love your comments, Lindsay. So if Nat's too jealous to include our links, I'll paste it right here. And if Natalie doesn't want to discuss Kenny Chesney with me, I'll find an Anderson sister who will! So there!
Girls - I can attest they are real, I repeat, they are all-natural. Yes, I am a lucky man.
Anyway, I am SO proud of Nat for running the 10k. She is a champ! Love you BABE.
Hey big boobs magee! Put the radar's away huh! I'm surprised you didn't poke Ian's eye out! By the way, well done on the race. Was anyone chasing you? and if not, why in the sam hill were you running?!
The Speed Walkers were chasing me! And my pride would not allow one of them to finish before me! Thats why I was running!
Yes, I got a boob job! How else do you think I'm putting Ian through Law School?
So, um, Natalie, how much do you charge each Boy Scout per peek? Very innovative money-making scheme....
Holy Crap Nat! Did Mom tell you why they got so big after you got married? She told me it's because they get rubbed. Back off Ian . . . geez!
I think the correct term mother used was "fondled". A term we all could have gone without hearing!
Jeanette is a liar! My boobs are rubbed raw and they aren't any bigger!
So I almost drop the "S" bomb on my blog...and all you guys can talk about are my boob? Goodness!
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