Thursday, March 02, 2006


RR 2006 was a great success! Timing was perfect for the four of us to get together in Utah. We spent lunch at Carries house, then went to Nalanis home for the evening. Nalani is still full of wisdom, Sarah is still full of sarcasim, and Carrie is still full of wit! But all in all, they are all still full of crap! AND THAT'S WHY I LOVE THEM!!! During our visit, I was reminded how absolutely funny these girls are, and why I had so much fun at Ricks Collage. Bringing up all of our crazy memories made it very clear the reason why we rarely dated! That's not to say we weren't asked out multiple times... It's just that we willingly turned down so many possilbe dates to continue creating as many roommate memories as possible. AND BOY DO WE HAVE PLENTY!

"Living the gospel and being true to gospel principles is the key to true, lasting, triumphant friendship. Real friends share the gospel - the living of it and the loving of it. No stronger bond nor higher compliment can be given from one friend to another."

- - - Jeffrey R. Holland


Sarah said...

Hope your trip home was good- thanks again for the airport shuttle. I am already looking forward to the day when we are all roommates again- old ladies living in the old folks home and making new memories every day- since we won't be able to remember any of the old ones!!! Miss ya!

Carrie said...

Forget waiting until we're old! Let's all move somewhere great and get a cul de sac together somewhere. I'm sure our husband's won't mind!