Maddie and Monty are my sisters "kids". They are quite amusing and seemed to be entertained by my slippers with tails. I'm in AZ, staying with my sister Lindsay who is recovering from open heart surgery. We are having a good time and are busy teaching Maddie and Monty new tricks. Although Monty has yet to understand and comprehend the simple "sit" trick, he can spin around in circles in hopes for a treat! Maddie, on the otherhand is quite a smartie. She can sit, lay down, and spin around...and bark...and bite. But if she does the last two - then she doesnt get a treat !
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Monty and Maddie
Posted by Natalie Service at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 11, 2006
The Luncheon: three hours of food, laughter, and tears. Totally worth it!
THE HEAD TABLE - I think they are laughing because Uncle Reed stood up with the microphone to introduce himself and said he didn't know anyone, but thought the food smelled good so decided to join the festivities. Wait, actually, I think they are laughing because the whole time Martin was giving his speech, his zipper was down. (No it wasn't Martin! If it was really down, someone would have told you to zip it up long before they told you to spit out your gum. By the way, thanks for spitting out your gum.) Oh, I remember, they are laughing because Joan Bowe, Julies Grandma, stood up to wish the newlyweds all the love and luck in the world and started it off by saying, "We love you Julie and . . . what's his name!" with perfect comedic timing. Only, I think for that moment, she really did forget his name! She had the room filled with laugher!
The centerpieces were items collected from the many travels of Todd and Julie. Ian and I sat with (L to R) Stephanie and Scott Dunkley, Spencer and Susie McAllister, Aunt Lora and Uncle David, John and Savannah Anderson. Unka and Teener pictured in the backgroud. A delicous lunch was served with the most fabulous dinner rolls and whipped honeybutter. Pictured below are John and Ian, consulting the rule book to see if it was appropriate to ask for more rolls.
Even after consulting the rule book, both of them were still too chicken to ask for another basket of rolls. Thankfully, I'm not watching my carb intake, and the server dude was delighted that I asked for another basket. He brought it promptly to our table. I had no problem eating as many as I could...especially knowing I would not have to give a list of things was I thankful for when I was finished.
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:07 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
The Todd and Julie Hillyard Family!
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hillyard
Married February 25th, 2006
Salt Lake City TempleIt's no wonder why Julie is such a beautiful bride!
Proud parents: Steve and Liz McAllister
Very proud Grandmother: Joan BoweSharing an Eternal Moment from Grandmother to Grandaughter.
Aunt Liz, THE ROCK, in the background!
Julies Family, sharing in the joy that the day finally arrived!
Bottom left corner: Julies roommates
Top half: The McAllister Gang
Bottom Right corner: The Family Bowe, with Auntie, Unka and Teener in front.Muffin and JuJu Bear
Todd, Joan Bowe, Julie
Susie, Spencer, Kendal, Martin
Julies Auntie Patricia and cousin Shannon
Liz Maloney (from England), Joan Bowe
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 02, 2006
The Weekend JuJu Bear and Todd Got Married
My beautiful cousin Julie is now happily married to her new best friend, Todd Hillyard. Todd and Julie, Forever, and ever, and ever...just like in Saturdays Warrior! It was meant to be!
The entire weekend was a PARTY! At the luncheon, we found out that Todd is the 4th child in his family. And as his sister pointed out, recent Birth Order studies use the following description to label the 4th child: "Life is a party, and they are the host!" (Well, being a 4th child myself, I would have to agree!) And boy, did they throw a great party! Let me tell you all about it!
Tons of Family, even more food, and a plethora of FUN!
Unka and Uncle ReedNatalie Service , Joan Bowe, Liz McAllister, Liz Maloney
Martin and Kendal McAllister
Christine McAllister - who looks absolutely FABULOUS!!!
(and I don't mean to be a tattle-tale, but Uncle Steve is standing on his tippy toes!

Julie and Todd know how to party! Their reception was at the Salt Lake Country Club, a not so shabby place for a small get together. They served up the best food, beautiful fruit platters, crackers with about a million cheeses to choose from, squirrel on a stick, high-class pigs-in-a-blanket, and a bunch of other items that I had problem making a meal out of! The whole spread was fantastic!
And then to top it off, there was a CHOCOLATE/HOT COCO BAR! And believe me, our extended family had our fair share of the loot!
Chocolate chocolate everywhere...and not enough pockets to fill!
There was also a Karaoke Band which provided many opportunities for personal humiliation, to which I am thankful that this party was a non-alcoholic function! However. . .. . . instead, surprisingly and pleasently, we were provided with some fun music performed by some really talented friends and family of Todd and Julies! Every one was up and dancing the night away!
The Bride and Groom swinging to some sweet tunes!Joan Bowe and Unka Steve cutting a rug!
(I have no doubt Uncle Steve goosed her before the song was over!)

Uncle Reed, Aunt Melissa, and Kristen (Brett's wife). Please note the beautiful centerpieces!

Posted by Natalie Service at 8:57 AM 1 comments