First and foremost: Ian passed the Idaho State Bar!
See. There he is accepting his certificate after the mass group swearing in chant. Oh, you can't see him?? ME EITHER! Down in front!!!

"Give me that...I wanna see if it's real"
The ceremony was in Boise in early May which was also our 9th wedding anniversary so we went a day early to celebrate.
Then in June, Ian and my brother Adam, ran the Teton Dam half marathon in Rexburg Idaho. They both beat their last years time by at least 13 minutes or more. I always tell people something like, "you don't actually run these races to win them!" Well, Ian also ran with Adams Father-in-law and Sister-in-law - both of which took FIRST PLACE in their age divisions! Look at that. The first time I've ever been wrong!
Fathers Day 2009
At church on Fathers Day Sunday, they handed out these cute gifts to all the Fathers!
Ian got his little gift bag, took one look at it, and asked if he could exchange out his Dads Root Beer for a Diet Coke.
And then on Monday, it was Ian's birthday.
I hope Ian got enough attention over the last 2 months because I'm all tapped out.
3 years ago
Happy belated anniversary!
Congrats again!
Happy belated birthday!
Way to go Ian! You rock! I thought a lot about you the other day...memories from my baptism when I watched my friend get baptized. Thank you for those tender mercies!!
Love you all!
LOL! The Schroed's "heart" Ian!
haha Pousson's love Ian too!
Congrats to Ian on passing the bar! No easy feat!
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