Don't worry, she went straight to the bath after this lunch! Tatem loves pasta! Her favorite is shells with Alfredo sauce! She is such a great eater! She eats everything by herself except for her beloved sweet potatoes. She still loves her baby food sweet pa-tots! Other foods she loves: bananas, strawberries, blueberries, oatmeal, puffs, carrots, green beans, black beans, the veggies and noddles from Progresso Chicken Noddle soup, cheese, Mac n cheese, apple sauce, pears, and anything we are eating. It always tastes better off the mom or dads fork for some reason, right?

Seriously, do I have to put a baby-gate around the toys? She's crazy! She thinks everything needs to be climbed. She still loves climbing up and running on the couch. She's really quite the dare devil. Not a thrill-seeker so much, just a dare devil. There's a small difference between the two!

Tatem is confidant in everything she does! Ian thinks she has a cocky strut to her walk. And, she's gotten pretty good a running. When she's just walking around the house minding her own business, I love to sneak up behind her and scare the crap out of her. In her attempt to run away from me with her fast feet, she becomes paralyzed with giggles and fright and will sometimes lose her balance. Ever seen those mini-billy goats that fall over stiff when they get scared? Legs straight out! Yeah! That's TOTALLY what happens to Tatem, so of course it makes me want to do it over and over. I'm like a 5 year old who keeps yelling BOO over and over and, really, after the first two times, it's just not that funny any more! But I can't stop!

At first, Tatem wanted nothing to do with this hat her Grandma Service made her for Christmas. It's been sitting in her toy box (the ottoman) unused and lonely. I caught her the other day trying to put it on her head, which looked like she was just throwing it over her shoulder, over and over. It was so cute! I went over to offer my assistance and now it's one of her favorite toys right now. If it falls off, she will attempt to put it back on by herself. The other night, she brought the hat over to Ian and then tucked her chin into her chest and leaned toward him. She wore it around the house for a good 10 or 15 minutes!

She is so independent! And she is very observant! I love that she tried to put that hat on by herself. The other day, I caught her rolling around on the floor, wrestling with my slipper, trying to put it on her foot. She also tries to put on her own socks. SHE MAKES ME LAUGH SO HARD. And of course, I think she's so dang cute and smart. (She's got her Daddy's looks. She's got her Mommy's smarts.) She loves it when Daddy comes home for lunch! If she's in her highchair, she kicks her legs in delight as she hears the door from the garage into the house open and shut. She says "hhhhhhiiiiieeeeeeee" (extra emphasis on the "H" and the "E") in her sweet little voice before she even sees him! If she's playing and hears that door open and shut, she instantly stops all play, looks up at me with those huge eyes like "did you hear that?" and then goes running toward the door saying her sweet "hhhhhhiieeeeee", again, before she even sees him.

Daddy took her outside to kick her pink little soccer ball around in the grass. Daddy made her work really hard on building her technique and skill as an 11 month old soccer champ! Running drills. Up-downs at the blow of a whistle. Relentless wind sprints. They came back into the house smelling like the outside. Ya know what smell I'm talking about. That smell when your kids have been playing outside, sweating, and getting dirty...ya know?

Well, a girl can only sweat so much before she needs to feel like a princess again!

A tutu is like a white tank top. You can wear it with just about anything!
She is too cute! I can't wait to meet her in May!
So cute! I just love her!
I always play soccer in my tu-tu! I'm excited to see you guys again.
She is so cute! I am so excited to see her this weekend!
Oh my goodness, I just love her! I told my kids we would see her this weekend and Kaiah got all giddy with excitement! I think she wishes Alyvia was Tatem's age already. What am I saying? I know she wishes that! Tatem is so fun!
Just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter....
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