Monday, November 10, 2008

7 months old today!

Aunt Lindsay put Tatems tuft of hair in a pony tail the other day and I got the biggest kick out of it! It makes her look so grown up.

Tatem tried her first Biter Biscuit and Sweet Potatoes.  
She has an obvious love for both of them!
Yesterday at church during Relief Society she crawled over to some other lady, started digging through her purse, then pulled herself up to standing at her chair.  I was so surprised!  She's gotten up on all fours but has never actually raised her top half.  I wanted to start clapping for her  but refrained when I was hit with the foul air coming from Tatems direction.  I guess standing up by herself made her crap her pants.  Some things still scare me too Little T!  


Carrie said...

I'm laughing so hard that Tatem is crawling and pulling herself to the standing position! Cameron is a month older, and he can barely roll! Can Tatem come teach Cameron some tricks??
That ponytail is a keeper for sure! I love it! Have fun with Lindsay and fam, tell her the Sweet's are rooting for them!

Julie and Todd said...

Ummmm, CRAWLING? That's pretty impressive! Matthew's mobile via rolling only. A little scoot sometimes, but that's about it. She's become your favorite party buddy! I love hearing the stories!

Jenny said...

Awww!! Yea for Tatem!