I am not going to drink any more soda this month!!
Good bye Dr. Pepper that I loved so dearly with a bag of pretzels. I will miss you.
Good bye Rootbeer, that shared nearly every pizza with me! I will miss you.Good bye Diet Coke/Cherry Coke mix! I'm sure my love for you will grow stronger every day that we're apart!
Farewell Mt Dew, the one who got me addicted in the first place by running across the street to get .25 cent refills at Craigos Pizza in 1993
Until next month, my dear carbinated friends!
(btw - You better get you Visiting Teaching done today, it's the last day of the month!)
3 years ago
I am so proud of your dedication to your health. You inspire me! So, what are you gonna drink first tomorrow, DP or DC?
Ya ummm good luck with that!
That's funny because I was drinking a Mountain Dew when I read this blog!!! I promise!
bahaha, Guess I'll be the only Sister drinking Dr. pepper...actuall thats a lie, Im too cheap for the real stuff, it's Dr..Thunder! Good luck!
Good luck girl. I gave up Diet Coke FOR GOOD this week. But FOR GOOD lasted 2 days until I was about to claw my eyes out. Can you say addiction?!
So much for words of encouragement huh? But I really hope you do it!!
First of all - thank goodness because that means more for me. (Diet Coke rules)
Second - did you all see the exact time Natalie posted? (It is her favorite).
Third - Dr. Thunder, Holly? Nice - is that Walmart's version of DP? The price arguement is vaild - .59 cents for a 2 liter for "Diet Cola via Kroger" OR Diet Coke for $1.19.
IF it has caffeine - No problem.
AGHHHH!!! I totally missed the posting time! That is AWESOME!!!
That is NOT awesome! Oh, that just drives me crazy!!! WHY ME?
Question: Is Dr. Thunder really a drink? Or is it the pet name you call your husband?
Is that the same as Mr. Pimp?
Heathens! You're all HEATHENS!
How about my post time? I think I deserve a runners up for that atleast. As for the soda, YES!! I support you!! I haven't had caffeine for years and now I too have given up soda. You shall triumph and make everyone jealous of your super model glow.
Crap, My post time was different on my computer because duh I'm in az....*finger in nose*
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