Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
A very sad day for Natalie!
I am so sad! My BEST FRIEND moved away...and he took his parents with him.
I will miss my MONKEY Corbin and his Mommy and Daddy, Tiffany and Coby. The boys, hard at work, loading the moving truck.
Posted by Natalie Service at 7:22 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Believe it our not, we have already had our first SNOW of the season! It snowed about 2 inches in Lansing, and up to 8 inches by the end of the day in other parts of the state on October 12th.
They say we beat the First Snow Record by one day back in 1909! Sweet - we're in for a long winter...and I'm so excited!
I'm as excited as a kid who's ready to get a whipping for lying about eating all the fudgesicles.
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:08 PM 4 comments

My Uncle Steve, lovingly known as UNKA,
happened to be in our neighborhood and stopped in for a visit!
I decided I should use this occasion to actually fix a meal. So we had dinner, then took him on a quick city tour to see Ians Law School, the MSU campus, and all the run down houses in our hood! Quite enjoyable!
Note: We made sure he was a Tigers Fan before returning home to the State of Washington!
Posted by Natalie Service at 8:39 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I have the best sisters in the whole world.
The other day, I was talking to my baby sister, Lindsay, and she happened to mention the book "The Five Love Languages". Being the great communicator I am, I cut her off and started telling her MY story about the book. I told her how it was recommended to me a couple of years ago by a wonderful friend, and that I new it was awesome book, but that I had never read it.
2 days later, I got the book in the mail from my baby sister! I LOVE YOU LINDSAY! You are the best! (I'm using words of affirmation).
Along with my other two, isn't she the best sister in the whole world!!!!!!
Posted by Natalie Service at 7:57 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Every year, Ian and a small Cooley group like to go night fishing up north. So, we packed our bags, (and an electric blanket this time) and went camping and night fishing.
The Fall Season is so beautiful in Michigan, so we decided to take a few pictures of our beautiful selves in the beautiful surroundings.
As you might have noticed, the camera must have been broken, because the surroundings, and ourselves aren't so beautiful in this picture!
Maybe next year we will miraculously become a photogenic couple!
Posted by Natalie Service at 6:22 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
For a Good Time
under LINKS on the left, you dirty perverts!
Posted by Natalie Service at 6:13 AM 2 comments
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Does the Lord answer prayers? YES!
Today before conference, we had a special stake meeting where they desolved our ward and reset the stake boundaries. Which means two things:
1) Ian is no longer Elders Quarum President.
2) Natalie is no longer 1st councelor in the Relief Society/2nd Sunday teacher in the R.S.
But... if I get called into the Primary of our new ward, I'm thinking this would be a perfect time to go inactive. (No offence to anyone who currently has a Primary calling and enjoys it).
And then I watched conference and decided that going inactive is not an option for me right now...or ever. Thank goodness for an every 6 month reminder that the Lord know us individually, and will love us unconditionally, even if we don't want to serve in the Primary, but I have to be willing too anyway.
Fine! Put me in with the CTR's, but I wont do the nursery!
Posted by Natalie Service at 5:39 PM 8 comments