Monday, July 03, 2006

If your house ever catches on fire...

...I happen to know two really cute FIREMEN who could come and save the day!


Natalie Service said...

I guess lots of other things could catch fire your grass! *wink*wink* huh Darren!
(not that he reads my blog, but I sure read his...and Susans...and Tracies...and ALL the other Clark/Oram Family blogs available.)
That's right! I know every thing about you guys.
Pat and Carl have a beautiful garden and love to water their tomoates with a gift certificate. Unknowingly, their niece Nalani, (who just watched a peanutbuttered face Jed clean her shoes out of the garage), test drove their new silver car! oh, sorry...Classic Silver Metalic car!
Darren (whose best friend is balding Mike) stays up all hours of the night taking pictures of potato sheds and tweetie birds with a "hurt" heel, Susan and her sis Tracie are damn runners, and their boys like to argue according to Uncle Curtis and Aunt Shandy, who are expeting their first baby who has a green striped room and a dog named Lola. (By the way Shandy, you and Sarah are OUT for posting pictures of your feet! Being the cutest pregnant lady around is not going to save you from that one!)
Mike hits his children with baseballs and buys back their love by building them Kominichi quality gymnastics equipment to play on, while Kim stays busy trying to coverup her scandalas strip poker past that the "media" so cruely let out of the bag.
Hidding from ferry bombing terrorists are Sharon and Tricky who are keeping busy with a new flipper, to which everyone and their dog (Raja) gave Carrie a definition for. Quinn is going to be a big brother because Maile is about to pop, and she probably feels like a big whale, but not the whale that keeps falling out of Quinns wagon. Kami, who looks like a hottie, is my favorite because I have not seen her feet on the internet! I can see that Codys LoveSac fits into his new house nicely because Nalani took as many pictures of the new house as she did at the Kenny Chesney concert!
All these different things are happening to each individual family...but one thing is the same!
All Ya'All Take Pictures of Your Food!
Oh, if only I was a Clark/Oram!
(then maybe I could have inherited the Bell Butt!)

Carl and Pat said...

Natali, you are the comment champion! This is classic---we'll adopt you as an honorary Clark, and we'll even let the patio doors get dirty to "save face!!"

Carrie said...

For once, I am SPEECHLESS!

That comment is so CLEVER.

You will always be a Clark/Oram to me, you fit right in!

Whitney said...


nalani said...

Just so you know....I'm getting a restraining order again you cause you're freakin me out!!!! Find a new obsession rather than our family!!!