MAY 2nd, 2009
For the life of me, I can't remember why Tatem and I were in Utah this time around, but we sure had fun. We went to the Hogle Zoo on rainy afternoon after a family trip to IKEA. (We had to "lie" to Karl and convince him IKEA was a computer store in order for him to come with us.)
We were headed towards the giraffes (at the Zoo, not IKEA) when I exclaimed, "OH, I love the giraffes. They are my favorite!" And the whole time we were there, this gross giraffe was liking his own regurgitated spit up off the metal railing. Over...and over...and over again. Well, I guess the giraffes use to be my favorite!
However, there was one giraffe whose neck was sooooo long...he was able to stretch it clear around this building! See! I knew I liked the giraffes!
Tatem and Uncle Bill
Seriously, I don't think they should let the tigers get this close to the humans. Plus, really, is a chain linked fence really going to do the trick in a ravenous moment of hunger?
I think Tatems best friend is her cousin, Karl.
She has so much fun with him every time we get together. They were playing 'chase' under the elephant pavilion while we waited for the rain to go away.
We sacrificed my nephew, Alex, to the alligators.
My niece, Alecia, and the groundhogs.
MAY 2nd, 2009
Don't you just love giraffes. They are great! We can't really remember why you were here either. Were you on your way to Arizona? Oh well, it was fun!
How did Tatem get her legs around Uncle Bill's neck?
That giraffe was seriously gross. So was the one that "wrapped its head around the building." You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, disgusting.
Great pictures of the peacock! Love the one of Alex in the croc's mouth.
i love hogle zoo! esp if you can go when it isnt crowded. you can get in and out in 2 hours.
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