Thursday, October 02, 2008

Am I watching "THE OFFICE" or "THE VP DEBATE" because they both make me feel the same way!

BIDEN: "Gwen, in answer to your original question that was not answered by Palin, let me say that again, in answer to your original question..."
PALIN: "You bet you're bippity boppity boo that matters to the Maverick Palin Ticket and that's not a lame joke!"

Oh My Gosh! I know some people are passionate about this political year and are very much abreast (yes, I said breast) to the issues currently being debated, I respect that, but I just have to say...


I'm sitting here watching and listening to the VP Candidate Debate in complete fear of what is going to be said next. They are both speaking FOR each other and that kind of communication makes me soooooo uncomfortable. I fear for how the media will potentially rip them both apart for every breath they take. I keep cringing and looking over at Ian, thinking he will protect me somehow from this...but instead he keeps telling me, "IT'S A DEBATE!"

I know! I know! I guess I just don't do well with underlining confrontation.

So I guess I just have one thing to say...
I can handle a good and fair comedic debate on Saturday Night Live!
Now, that's my style!

Well, I guess I have one more thing to say:
Register to VOTE, and then actually VOTE! Do your research and VOTE.


Janee said...

Lol...Nat you freakin crack me up :)

Alyson said...

If I heard someone say "maverick" again I swear I was going to vomit. Seriously I have never been so disappointed in the candidates of a presidential election as I am this time around.

Alicia said...

I love watching the debates, and ditto, research and VOTE!!!!

Stacy said...

Hey I hope you don't mind that I "found" your blog through the FAMILY... We miss you guys and it is nice to see you , even in pics.Hopefully we can keep in touch a little better now.Stacy