Sunday, September 07, 2008

What More Could A Girl Ask For?

Not only does Ian enjoy* fixing dinner, doing the laundry, vacuuming the house - he also enjoys* canning apple sauce! Some have been heard saying, "Poooor Eeeeeean!" But I say, "LUCKY ME!"

* "enjoy" used loosely
Our awesome friends, Wendi and Spencer, helped us can apple sauce for the first time. I swear, Wendi is one of those people who knows how to do everything. AND, she has ROCKBAND so you know she's WAY COOL! We spent the day at her mom's house canning, watching football, tennis, and golf, canning, eating, canning, laughing, canning, and working ourselves to pure exhaustion. I had to laugh at the above pictures because I'm supposed to be photographing the fruits of our labors, but all you can see: SODA and CHIPS!! I also had to laugh earlier in the day when Wendi's dad, Pat, popped his head into the kitchen and announced, in the midst of our hard work, "Hey, you know they are having a case sale on applesauce next week!" NOW I know why bets were placed on Pat or Ian to see who would work the hardest (interpreted as "the lest").
What do I enjoy most about canning applesauce? The mushy peels, cores, and seeds that come out in a nicely formed poop log. However, the job of Plunging and Churning are up for grabs next year - I've already spoken for the job of Overseeing Manager because I'm seriously not enjoying my tight, sore shoulder muscles today. We were canning at a home on the golf course, with a beautiful garden - I had to take advantage of the photo opportunity with my Ian and Tatem. The Fruits of our Labors!
Now I know why people take pride in doing this domestic activity. I was feeling really good about our work! Take notice of Wendi's Apple Pie Filling!! Definitely on my list of things to can next year! Or, at least figure out how to can the smell of it!!


jdb in AZ said...

Ian, you REALLY need to get a more manly apron!

The bestest "fruit" of your "labor" is the Tater Tot -- just can't get enuff pics of her.

Greatest-Aunt Judy

Brittni Schroeder Photography said...

WOW! Good job Ian!

Jennybug said...

Yay for applesauce--good job guys! I have one of those strainers and we are planning a big canning fest over Conference weekend w/my mom. Free apples too--even better than the case lot!

ba and the boys said...

info needed on the apple pie filling...that is my favorite kind of pie!

Kayla said...

TATEM IS SO CUTE! I MISS YOU ALL! I can't believe I'm missing her growing up! I'm dropping out of school and coming back to Twin right now! Okay...maybe not. But I seriously miss Eean's funny remarks and Nat's constant laugh! And Tatem's huge eyes! Love you all!

Montay said...

so fun I love it and yum O


I agree, the best fruit of your looms is that cute little Tate!! core gut poop log....such fond memories...