Our good friends, Coby and Tiffany, hosted the 3rd Annual Superbowl Party at their home. A good rowdy crowed showed up, some even in the proper attire! Here is Brittni with the cutest Steelers hat ever, that I'm sure she didn't purchase on the Sabathday, right Brittni?! And her son Talon decked out in a Steelers Jersey. There was lots of great food, and apparently, lots of good drinks! Here's the Lansing gang gathered around 4 or 5 LoveSacs all piled in Cobys living room.
3 years ago
Okay, I don't even want to talk about the Superbowl. Do you honestly think the Steelers "won" the superbowl? The refs totally stole the game from the seahawks. Every single call was against the seahawks and every single call was BAD. They took one of our touchdowns away and they gave the steelers a touchdown. The whole thing just pisses me off. I hate CHEETERS. I don't even know how the steelers or their fans can even be celebrating right now. They all know they didn't really win.
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