My buddy LUKE was the first friend I made here in Lansing so we've been best friends for over a year now! When Lukes parents go on a date, I usually get to go on a date with Luke and his brother Isaac. Some people might call it babysitting, but we call it a date! Luke called us the other night and invited us over for smoothies. He loves to open the front door for us when we arrive and then jumps up and down yelling, "Ian and Mallie are here!" (We have progressed from Madre to Mallie. Secretly, I hope he never figures out how to say Natalie. It's just the sweetest thing to hear him call me what he thinks my name is).
When we hang out, we like to play imaginary musical instuments, ride our imaginary choo choo train to which there is no end to where the tracks will take us, we like to dance to banjo music, run to blues music, and read books to classical music. Luke can read his books for hours! But I think his all time favorite thing to do is drink a cup of milk. As soon as he has a cup of milk in his hand, the other hand goes straight up to his head where he twists and plays with his hair until the entire cup is gone.
I got to hang out with Luke at my house Monday morning while his mom and dad were at a doctors appointment finding out that a baby GIRL is on her way! Luke stood in front of the heater vent (or as Luke calls it, "fresh air") nearly the entire time trying to stay warm in our cold house. He was excited to see "The Tickler" aka Ian and kept saying, "I'm over here by the fresh air Tickler, but don't tickle me!" And when he got no response from the Tickler, he changed it to, "Hey Tickler, I'm over here by the fresh air, and you can tickle me...but only for two minutes!" But my favorite conversation between the two of them was:
LUKE: Hey Ian, did you go to the Temple?
IAN: Yes I did!
LUKE: The Temple is Jesus' house. That's where he lives!
IAN: Thats right!
LUKE: Did Jesus open the door for you?
I just love my little buddy Luke so much and he is MY LITTLE VALENTINE! He really is! Hanging on my fridge is a homemade pink card with a heart and star glued inside, with other random glue clumps and marker scribbles, to prove it!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Posted by Natalie Service at 2:34 PM 2 comments
MoTown Temple
A PLACE OF PEACE. We were able to attend the Detroit Temple with our ward on Saturday. It was our first time visiting the Detroit Temple and what a beautiful place it is! It's the first mini temple I've been to, in fact, the Stake Center on the same property looks bigger than the Temple. We carpooled with our good friends, Coby and Tiffany. I thought it was really neat that Tiffany and I went through the session for two sisters, Mary and Lillie, especially since my sisters have been on my mind lately! I am so glad Ian and I made the time to attend the Temple.
Posted by Natalie Service at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Our good friends, Coby and Tiffany, hosted the 3rd Annual Superbowl Party at their home. A good rowdy crowed showed up, some even in the proper attire! Here is Brittni with the cutest Steelers hat ever, that I'm sure she didn't purchase on the Sabathday, right Brittni?! And her son Talon decked out in a Steelers Jersey. There was lots of great food, and apparently, lots of good drinks! Here's the Lansing gang gathered around 4 or 5 LoveSacs all piled in Cobys living room.
Posted by Natalie Service at 9:19 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 06, 2006
Go! Seattle!
I mean....ummm...Go! Pittsburg!
What? It's over already?!?!
Ok...who won?
Well, that's who I was cheering for all the long!
WAY TO GO! Pittsburg Steelers!
Posted by Natalie Service at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Holly Dee is going to be a Mommy!
Ians baby sister, HOLLY DEE BUTLER, is prego! A big congratulation to her and her husband Jake. I am secretly hoping they have a baby girl. Service girls are a rare breed! Holly Dee and Abigail are the only ones so far (on the Craig Service side of the family!) So, we are rooting for you Holly!
Holly Dee (Service) Butler and Abigail Service (Tres and Roseannes baby girl)
Posted by Natalie Service at 11:55 AM 2 comments